Stuart’s sheet music can be purchased at your favorite online or local music store such as Shar Music, Al Hemer Music, and SheetMusicPlus.
Program Notes from Stuart:
While studying Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue” for organ, I was intrigued by the fact that many of the chords and motifs within it can be transitioned for performance on the violin. I later discovered that there is historical speculation that Bach may have composed this piece for solo violin. Inspired by this, I used the urtext of the piece to create this arrangement. It is in the piece’s original key, and it is designed to transcribe the full and grand sound of the organ to the solo violin. This arrangement intentionally creates the true sound of Bach’s piece, while adding variation-like figures within the Fugue’s main theme – which is repeated throughout. These figures include sixteenth-note triplets, thirty-second notes, and additional double-stops. It was important to me to remain true to my sense of what Bach may have intended for this piece if played on a violin, while allowing my own musical and stylistic preferences to blend into this arrangement.